Grapheine Design, the comedic geniuses who brought you the classic Bombay TV, have also added B-Movie TV, a different, yet all-too-similar version of Bombay TV with clips from unintentionally hilarious low-budget films from half a century ago for your students to use as the backdrop for whatever material they wish to insert into them.
How does it work in the classroom?
By just visiting the site, your students can choose the video clip they wish to use and simply type subtitled text that will show on top of the video. If your class has access to microphones for student use, they can also use them to add their own voices on top of the video clip to "put words in the mouth" of the speaking character from the film. Hilarity will ensue. And so will information retention.
Why is this useful in a class, you ask? It simply serves as another option to help students to remember important information. Instead of just saying to themselves "Remember the Quadratic Formula," students can say to themselves "Remember that ridiculously awesome video of the 1960s spaceman telling me how to use the Quadratic Formula?" That could make the difference between remembering it and not remembering it.
Personalize funny videos at Bombay TV by Graphéine - Agence communication
That took, like, 45 seconds. Seriously.
I'm convinced that Hollywood (and Bollywood) only churns out B-Movies in order for the rest of the world to have fun ridiculing them and making Youtube clips from their most hilariously bad parts. survival warehouse review